At this time we ask you to help us try to avoid the imminent deportation of Hameed. Please take a minute an write to the following addresses:
- Migrationsverket is responsible for the deportation. Write to Dan Eliasson and Mikael Ribbenvik. (migrationsverket@migrationsverket.se)
- EU Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (commissioner@coe.int)
Case number: European Court of Human Rights, Nr.: 29767/10 Hameed v. SWE - EU Human Rights Media contact (press.commissioner@coe.int)
- Jesper Lindau (Radio Stockholm) (jesper.lindau@sr.se)
Example letter: http://aksuednord.org/?p=336
Da dies internationale adressen sind, schreibt am besten in english (beispiele), aber deutsch und andere sprachen sind auch ok. Hauptsache, sie hören von uns!
EN: Hameed is still in prison. The Swedish authorities even deny him to call his family. We, his friends, haven’t been able to contact him. We fear that he may be forcefully deported any day now.
Some facts about his ‘case’
Hameed was denied the right to choose a counsel he trusts. He asked several times to be allowed to change the counsel he got from the Migrationsverket. All his requests were denied. He asked to be allowed to represent himself in court, yet he wasn’t even informed about the court dates when they decided his asylum request.
For months they didn’t inform him that his asylum request was denied, deceiving him time and time again when he asked about the proceeding in his case.
Besides being imprisoned without having committed any crime, while in prisons he was treated in humilating ways. For a while he wasn’t even allowed to shower or shave. Fearing publicity, the Swedish authorities deny him contact with the outside.
Hameed is not going to agree to be repatriated to Iraq until Iraq is liberated from the occupiers and their puppets. Given his political stance against the double occupation of Iraq and the illegitimacy of the ‘Iraqi authorities’, he will be in grave danger when the Swedish authorities deport him by force against his will.
We got a call from Hameed today that he is indeed resisted to be boarded on the plane in Stockholm, and after some days in prison was now transfered to the Flen Detention Centre, with a capacity of up to 40 inmates.
The Swedish authorities tried to deport Hameed Abdulhameed to Erbil in Iraq via Frankfurt.
His name was on the passenger lists of both flights from Stockholm to Frankfurt, and Frankfurt to Erbil. Yet he was not on board of the flight to Frankfurt, and instead was brought to a prison called Kronobergshäktet in Stockholm, where we assume he is still being detained.
We don’t know any details yet, how he avoided deportation, but we are sure he resisted and forced the Swedish authorities to back off. This is a temporary success, but we fear that they will try again to forcefully deport him.
Hameed was already in US-captivity, and, when deported, we fear he will be in grave danger from both the occupation and their local collaborators.
Iraqi detainees are in danger of death !
Last email we received from deportation prison in Gävle:Dear readers of this e-mail,
To all it may whom concern…. very important! very important!
A new crime in our name has happened!! in the name of HUMANITY…..Yesterday the 8th of July 2010 very early in the morning…. an Afghani boy of about 20 years old tried to kill himself (suicide) in the CUSTODY of the swedish Migrationsverket in GÄVLE!!!! because they wanted to *deport him obligatory*, and they do always, the only one witness (a man of about 40 years old) has been prevented by the staff not to go and see the young boy.
As i asked him if he saw blood or if the boy hurt himself hardly, the answer was unsatisfactory, because minimum three of the staff working at that night covered the crime!
I asked all three employee indirekt about this young Afghani, they said they do not know! and one of them lied on me by saying that he was NOT working at this time!!!
If the Human Rights Watch really interested, THEN … WHERE IS the young boy? in the hospital or has been deported to death?? If the Human Rights Watch really interested, THEN…. RELEASE ALL OF US as soon as possible from this PRISON!!! If the Human Rights Watch really interested, THEN…. WE CAME to Sweden for ASYLUM , NOT TO ARREST US and keep us as PRISONERS!!! If the Human Rights Watch really interested, THIS IS NOT the only case!!!
There are many others are SUFFERING , like:
- a man from Palestine, he is now half crazy! REALLY!
- a man from Africa, he is JUST NOW in this TIME 02:23 o´clock woke up shouting and running outside his 5-beds room!! (we are 14 witnesses) in addition to his craziness in many times!!!
- a man from Africa is under a hard stress and his behavior is unstable!!
- a women from Russia, she is always alone!! (she began to think about alliens from universe) beginning of craziness!!
and much more!! if you are really interesting, then send a comittee of psychologists to investigate the people here and discover the disaster happening everyday!!!
Please, try to get the truth direct and indirect, but never telling my name, because they will send me to the cell by the police!!! I am already facing BATTLES with the staff because of my criticizing the DEHUMANIZATION we are in!!!!
every things here in Gävle is TOP SECRET!!! why? do we live in a police state? or police kingdom???
EU and the UNHCR has to know about these crimes in our names!!!
Stop ignoring us and telling us per telephone that you cannot help! this is UNLOGIC and double-moral !!!
Please, forward this mail to other organizations!
Wer ist Hameed?
Hameed Abdulhameed ist Iraker. Seit beginn des überfalls im März 2003 und der folgenden besetzung des Irak kämpft er gegen die besatzer und ihre irakischen kollaborateure (die illegitime ‘irakische regierung’). Von den besatzern inhaftiert und gefoltert (er hört seitdem mit einem ohr schlecht), und angesichts der repression gegen seine familie, entschloß er sich zur flucht nach Schweden, um dort asyl zu beantragen.
Zur schwedischen politik gegenüber irakischen asylsuchenden
Nachdem in den ersten jahren der besatzung die schwedischen behörden zumindest fast jeden zweiten asylsuchenden Iraker eine aufenthaltserlaubnis in Schweden erteilten, änderten sie diese politik hatten jedoch grundlegend seit 2007. Der ‘Swedish Migration Court of Appeals’ entschied damals, das es keinen ‘internen bewaffneten konflikt’ in Irak gäbe. Nur vereinzelt wurden seitdem asylsuchende aus Irak von Schweden anerkannt. Die schwedische regierung erklärte 2009 zum ersten ‘jahr der rückkehr’ für irakische asylsuchende, und begann abgelehnte irakische asylsuchende zu internieren und zwangsweise abzuschieben.
Mehr informationen zur schwedischen asylpolitik gegenüber irakischen asylanten findet ihr hier:
- Photo Essay: Iraqi Refugees in Sweden
- Sweden to prioritize deportations in 2009
- Sweden and Iraqi Refugees
- Sweden May Have Illegally Deported Iraqi Refugees
Sofortige Freilassung und Asyl für Hameed!
Hameed Abdulhameed kam als asylsuchender ende 2008 nach Schweden. Zu spät für eine anerkennung. Er wurde in einem wohnheim für asylanten im norden Schwedens untergebracht, in der stadt Boden bei Luleå. Ihm wurde ein anwalt zugewiesen, von dem er sich nicht angemessen vertreten sah, und bald kein vertrauen mehr hatte. Mehrere anträge auf wechsel des anwalts wurden abgelehnt. In abwesenheit, und ohne anwaltliche vertretung, wurde sein ayslantrag auch in letzter instanz abgelehnt.
Hameed Abdulhameed suchte sich selbst so gut wie möglich vor den behörden und gerichten zu vertreten. Seine briefe und emails wegen seines einspruchs gegen die ablehnung seines asylantrages blieben jedoch von den schwedischen behörden unbeantwortet. Bei anrufen wurde er abgewimmelt. Selbst von der entgültigen ablehnung seines asylantrags wurde er monatelang nicht informiert.
Konfrontiert mit ausweisung nach Iraq und ohne hoffnung auf faire behandlung durch Schweden, wendete er sich an den European Court of Human Rights (29767/10 Hameed v. SWE).
Hameed Abdulhameed wird nicht ‘freiwillig’ nach Irak zurückkehren. Schweden muß ihn schon gewaltsam zwangsdeportieren. Gegen die zwangsdeportation, und für seine sofortige freilassung aus der haft und die wiedereröffnung seines asylverfahrens protestieren menschen wie hier in Luleå..