Alexandros Grigoropoulos - killed by police 6th of December 2008
Due to the 15 years' old, Alexis Grigoropoulos cold murder by a policeman of the special forces on Saturday 6/12/2008 at Exarheia, one of the biggest social rebellions was triggered off. From the first moment the centre of Athens is shocked by spontaneous, massive riots against the repression forces, attacks to state and capitalist targets,occupation of universities and massive demonstrations. Automatically, the revolt spreads like wild fire in 33 greek cities and is accompanied by a dynamic wave of protests and solidarity movements ina many cities all over Europe and the globe. Students all over the country squat in streets acting self-organized and away from any guidance and hierarchy, alarm local neighbourhoods with their chants, set up barricades, march on the streets and attack the Police Departments.
The people's rage exceeds the lead of any political party, away from self-righteous ideologies and with a way even though not always (publicly) accepted definately justified, which destroys, like a fist, the system's "display".
Against the pervasive social rage, the state replies with "zero tolerance", hardcore repression, 4.600 chemical gases (tear, mustard, and asphyxiate gases in 5 days period), beatings and hundreads of arrests showing its "democratic" face and condemning in hypocricy the social reaction. One reaction which consists of a response to a violent state which the system reproduces every day. The vissible effect of the Police terror-state in the streets, surveillance cameras in public and working areas; parental, teacher,
CEO and policemen oppression, low health and safety measures, tortures and murders of immignats inside police departments and in and out the geographical country boarders, villain "behaviour" of the banking system,
reccession and general commercialism of every mean of our lives, poverty and toil of the repressed masses, discrimination, dectruction of the Nature in order to produce more and so that the M.Ps gather more money in their pockets(that is what is all about in Greece). This premature capitalist system is based on competition and inequality, oppression and exploitation, subjugation and ellimination of all left liberties. If that is your democracy, thanks but we won't take it...
To justify all the above, the violence targeted from the bottom, will always be the fair of rebel resistance.
Such social unrest was reasonable to meet the rabid suppression both from the side of the state and by the side of the individualist logic that has spread to wider social strata.
Hundreds of transfers of alleged suspects, hundreds of arrests of unruly people.
The security forces also found a good opportunity to arrest and torture dozens of immigrants, highlighting their Fascist face, in close cooperation with the media, displaying immigrants once again as a threat to the public.
While the mass arrests occur, most of them involving pupils and immigrants, facing criminal penalties of terrorist law. 15 years old children and impoverished immigrants accused of gang recommendation and terrorist organization!
Another design and sovereign legislative effort to make social movements look like crimes.
Disregarding the political dimension of all this mobilizing, trying to overcome the separation of State-society, devising a new × society opposed to those who want to change.
They keep criminalizing the solidarity of the social rage, imposing penalties devastating, while they catalyze any notion of law (the accused have no access to lawyers and there is no limit on remand).The new doctrine is now as follows: «Those who congregate are guilty until proven otherwise...».
As long as there are insurgents and disobidience there will always be repressed , <> and paramilitar minions would be willing to serve the purposes of power.
That is another chance so we can observe the disorientating purpose by the Means of Mass Domestication. From the first moment after the murder of the 15 years old Alexis they' ve tried to contaminate the opionion of the ostracism of the bullet, as always giving full weight to what the body of law and order wants to pass. In the name of the spectacle they are trying to redirect the attention of society in secondary and distorted by the fact incidents detaching us from the substance. In the same way, they show the destruction of the Police Departments. , multinationals corporations, banks the huge department stores, the temples of consumerism and profit (these targets legally steal the vast majority of the society), as looting the low badget shop of the poor jobber. The pimp journalists who faithfully serve the dictates of the system are trying to show these spontaneous conflict of pupils, students, workers, unemployed, immigrants and generally of any repressed individual, as a simple wave of anger and relief youth, and here is in fact a complex development with social and political features, uttering settled and raised new demands. A week later, although Alexanders' murderer claims innocent and riots in the streets are resuming, some are still talking about ostracisms, isolated incidents, misunderstandings to justify the unjustifiable, and to defuse the situation to fizzle out, make us forget and return to normality and our routine, as it always suits for them.
But we do not bite...
In order not to elliminate the current "bad" government to elect another parliamental power, we believe to the continuation of the struggle to overthrow the entire system for granted. Outbreaks of resistance are creating in neighborhoods, decentralizing our action, urging everyone to not remain passive viewer to the events, believing that that situation does not have to do with every individuality and that and that all incidents occur just in the city centre.
Actually expressing our solidarity with the occupied spaces(ΑΣΟΕΕ, Law School, Polytechnic School, Agios Demitrios Town Hall, Ioannina Town Hall) we have decided on Friday 12/12/08 to squat the Ex-Town Hall of the city Halandri(venue of the city council) to turn it into space of uncompromized information and decentralized core of struggle and further activities.
A self-organized place where the residents of Halandri and the surrounding areas can decide in open, fair and anti-hierarchical meetings.
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