Bitte unterzeichnen & verbreiten
Lucina Kathmann
International Vice-President, International PEN (worldwide writers' association)
Apdo. 287, San Miguel de Allende
37700 Gto. México
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to encourage all parties involved to find an amicable solution to the current problems about Roj TV. Kurdish people everywhere need this station. They have very few media in their language. Print media cannot substitute as some Kurdish people can read one alphabet and others can read another. Whatever the disagreements about what is broadcast, please do not consider closing down the station as a reasonable punishment. That disposition impoverishes the lives of many women and children. Typically disputes have to do with news programs and politics, which are only a small part of the services Roj TV provides. Closing the station is a disproportional response; please seek a more balanced solution.
Lucina Kathmann
Noam Chomsky Linguist - Imre Kertèsz, Nobelpreisträger, Berlin - Jean Ziegler, UN Rapporteur, Genf - Justin Randall, CAMPACC, UK - K. Rajamanoharan Tamill student, UK - Yvonne Kestler, UK Chantal Naqvi, UK - CAMPACC, UK - David Morgan Journalist, UK - Alex Fitch CAMPACC, UK - Hagir Ahmed - CAMPACC, UK - Lavinia Brown, Office
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Cape Town, SA - Erling Folkvord, Member of City Council of Norway, Oslo - Professor Dr. Bertram Schefold, Frankfurt - Vereinigung kurdischer Ärzte in Deutschland e.V. - Annabel Bermejo, amnesty international - Professor Dr. Wolf Dieter Narr, Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie - Kariane Westrheim, Professor (RAFTO Foundation) Norway - Professor Dr. Raimund Rütten, Frankfurt - Wolfgang Jungheim, Pater - Memo Sahin, Dialogkreis - Lokhman Muhamad, USA - Dr. Günther Rusch, ECOSOC, Vereinte Nationen - Sybille Kernstner, Lektorin, Matthes & Seitz - Peter Bierl, Fastenopfer, Zürich - Al Imfeld, Publizist, Zürich -
Professeur Jean-Louis Cravan, Unversité Sorbonne - Conni Fredriksson, Sozialistische Internationale (SI) - Dan Wyman, University of California (UCLA), Director Political Science - Eva Quistorp, Founding Member of Green Party, Germany - Dr. Jorgo Chatzimakakis, EU Parlament, Athen - Estella Oliveira Felsberg, Lawyer, Sau Paulo, Brazil - Giovanni del Re, Journalist, ADKRONOS - Gwynne Roberts, Filmproducer - Dari Fo & Franca Rame, Mailand - Hossein Dabaghian, Iran / Paris - Bookstore L’imaginare, Bruxelles - Ville Punto, Jurist, Finnland - Professor Courtney West, INFIMES Foundation, Prague - Katrin Venema, Lawyer, Den Haag Urs Kienberger, Waldhaus-Hotel, Schweiz - Kirkuk Center Kirkuk - Ronni van de Velde, Artist, Belgium - John Wronoski, Lame Duck Books, NY - Martin van Bruinessen, Kurdologe, Universität Amsterdam - Ludivine Sagnier, Actor, Théatre de Paris - Professor Michael Cahn, Cambridge University, UK - Naji Wadhai, Dubai, Salesman - Professor Dr. Sulaiman Muhamed, Brandeis University, Cal. - Jeremy Brinks, UNESCO, Paris - Ricardo de Lima, Assaf, Lawyer, Sao Paulo - Professor Gerhard Zähringer, Bern, Erklärung von Bern - Sabine Meyer, Green Party EU Koordination, Bruxelles - Professor Dr. Klaus Landfried, Würzburg - Dr. Beate von Moisy, München, Bayrische Landesbibliothek - Hans-Jürgen Breuste, Künstler, Hannover - Claudio Pozzoli, Instituto Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Milano - Jürgen Brodwolf, Künstler, Markgräflerland, Baden - Karl-Josef Schwarzschild, UNDP, Washington - Alfred Hrdlicka, Bildhauer, Wien - Neville Alexander, Bürgerrechtler, Cape Town, (SA) - Jan van der Donk, Artist, New York/ Perugia - Ilka Jakoola, NGO-Representative, Finnland - Christian Kaiser, Photograph, Germany - Willi van Ooyen, Peace activist, Frankfurt - Venerable Thich Quang Do, Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV) - Dr. Mehmoud Othman Member of National Assembly of Iraq - Pater Wolfgang Jungheim, Pax Christi Nassau-Lahnstein; Rashidi-Kalhur Ardishir, President, Southern California Division United Nations Association of the USA; Mel Boynton Claremont, CA - Ulla Hoffman, member of Central Committee of The Swedish Left Party, Member of Parliament; Kalle Larsson, member of Swedish Parliament (The Left Party); Siv Holma, Member of Swedish Parliament (The Left Party); Amineh Kakebaveh, member of International Committee of The Swedish Left Party ; Anelli Dostan, Psychotherapist , Sweden; Karla Lopes, member of Swedish Parliament(The Swedish Green Party); Hama Dostan, Novelist, Sweden; Dr. Helen Coley, Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK; Eugene Schoulgin, writer, Norway; Céline Delforge, Député ECOLO; Mahfoudh Romdhani, Députée PS Vice-Président du Parlement Bruxellois; Jan Beghin, Vice Président et Député du Parlement Bruxellois; Bernard Granjon, ancien président de Médecins du Monde, Gemma Goldfein - Psychoanalyst (Marthas Vineyard, USA) - Wolfgang und Rolf Riehm, Musiker, Composers, Germany - Alex Kayser, Anthropologist, Zürich, Switzerland - A.R. PENCK, Artist, Dublin - Kay Friedrich Schade, Kreativ Kompetenz, Germany - Francois Lecointre-Drouet, Directeur, Theatre du Soleil, Marseille - Maria Oshana,
Parlamentarian Assistant, German Parliament,- Dr. Kenneth Spellman, Art Director, San Antonio, Texas - John Wronoski, Antiquarian, USA - Harun Farocki, Filmproducer, Berlin - Hark Bohm, Writer, Filmproducer, Germany - Clint O'Connuir, Writer, Boston, USA - Werner Spiess, Centre Pompidou, Paris - Welat Akboğa, Teknoloji mühendisi, Turkey - Clara Steenkamp, Dutch PEN Center, Amsterdam, Holland - Joel Goldstijn, Musician, Metropolitan Opera, New York - Karel Marel, Writer, Czech Writers Union Vice-President, Prague - Christiaan Breytenbach, Medical Professor/Physician, Cape Town University - Professor Dr. Raimund Ruetten, Romanist, Frankfurt - Professor Paul-Leon Bisson-Millet, Karlsruhe University, Germany - Paul Armand Gette, Artist, Sculpturor, France - Juergen Brodwolf, Artist (Germany) - Günther Brus, Artist, Vienna - Elke Krystufek, Artist, Vienna - New York - Claus Peymann, Theater Director, Germany - Hakaedo Aikashi, Photographer, Japan - Susanne Peymann, Psychotherapeut, Germany - Lionel Vandenberghe, sénateur-Spirit, au parlement fédéral de la Belgique; Cornil Jean sénateur PS/Belgique; Belhouari Talbia,
députée fédérale PS/ Belgique; Maes Nelly Présidente du parti Alliance Libre Européenne/Belgique ; Genot Zoé députée fédérale ECOLO Belgique; Galand Pierre
sénateur PS Belgique; Laloy Marie-José , sénatrice PS parlement fédéral de la Belgique; Wiriya Rawenduzy, Dr, veteran anti violence activist, Austria; Dr. Khidir Masum, President of Koya University - Iraqi Kurdistan; Hemin Seydi, lecturer; Dr. Nasir Simayi , Psychologist and Lecturer; Suleyman Chukeli , Lecturer, The Collage of Education, University of Koya - Jonathna Bloch, Co-author of “Global
Intelligence”, UK , Estella Schmidt, UK; Hans Branscheidt, Mezopotamian Development Society e.V., Germany - Tove Skutnabb Kangas dr.phil., Roskilde University, Denmark & Åbo Akademi University, Finland; Robert Phillipson, Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark - Art Spiegelmann, Cartoonist, New York - Ruggiero Cavallo, Dirigent, Locarno - Maria Virginia Gonzalez Romero, Berlin - Karel Precicka, Theater an - er Moldau, Prag - Anna Mazzoleni, Italy - Ari Heikinnen, Green Party, Finnland - Furio Cerutti, Istituto Lelio Basso, Milano - Masud Akko, Autor, Syrisch-Kurdistan - Dr. David Stang, Ars Libri, USA - Istvan Sandor, University of Budapest, Psychologist - Ted Howell, Sinn Féin, Andersonstown, Belfast - André Brie, Member of EU Parlament, Bruxelles - Ute Sautmann, amnesty international, Germany - Deutschland - Dr. Siobhan O’Reilly, Parlamentarian, Ireland - Ricardo Gustavo Espeja, S.Nicolas, Cordoba. Argentinia - Haval Suleiman, London - Kemal Oksay, UNHCR Office, Paris - Nick Hannes, Journalist, Antwerpen, Belgium - Seamus Clancey, Publisher, Dublin, Ireland - Ensemble of Artists, Theater an der Wien, Austria - Jan Ceuleers, Antiquarian, Antwerpen, Belgium - Thomas Schmidinger, Publizist, Wien - Mary Kreutzer, Publizistin, Wien - Peter Grosells, Copenhagen - Elisabeth Siller, Hensau, Schweiz - Professor Dr. Slavomir Mrozek, Warszawa, Poland - Florcence Hatier, Traité de l’Union Ouvriere, Paris - Lord Rea of Eskdale, House of Lords, UK - Jonathan Bloch, Councillor and writer, UK - Richard McKane, Poet and writer, UK - Kazim Baba, Member of City Parliament, Berlin - Wolfgang und Rolf Riehm, Musiker, Composers, Germany - Joel Goldstijn, Musician, Metropolitan Opera, New York - Werner Spiess, Centre Pompidou, Paris - Welat Akboğa, Teknoloji mühendisi, Turkey - Clara Steenkamp, Dutch PEN Center, Amsterdam, Holland - John Wronoski, Antiquarian, USA.
Vittorio Agnoletto, EP-Kurds Group, MEP-GUE/NGL; Monica Frassoni, Chair MEP-V-ALE Group; Francis Wurtz, Chair MEP-GUE/NGL Group; Hélène Flautre, Chair DROI,
MEP-V-ALE; Luisa Morgantini, Chair DEVE, MEP-GUE/NGL; Frieda Brepoels, MEP-PPE; Marie-Arlette Charlotti, MEP-PSE; Jiri Mastalka, MEP-GUE/NGL; Ewa Pettersen
Hedkvist, MEP-PSE; Renate Sommer MEP-PPE; Jens Holm, MEP-GUE/NGL; Panagiotis Beglitis, MEP-PSE; Britta Thomsen, MEP-PSE; Marios Matsakis, MEP-ADLE; Jean Lambert, MEP-V-ALE; Bernat Joan i Mari, MEP-V-ALE; Feleknas Uca, MEP-GUE/NGL; Baroness Sarah Ludford, MEP-ADLE; Roberto Musacchio, MEP-GUE/NGL; Baart Staes MEP-V/ ALE; Adamos Adamou, MEP-GUE; Pierre Jonckheer, MEP-PSE; Bairbre De Brún, MEP; Inger
Segelström, MEP-PSE; Dimitri Papadimoulis, MEP-GUE/NGL; Umberto Guidoni, MEP-GUE/NGL; Tatjana Zdanoka, MEP-V-ALE; Willy Meyer Pleite, MEP-GUE/NGL; Mary Lou McDonald, MEP-GUE/NGL; Pierre Jonckheer, MEP-Green/EFA; Jan Andersson, MEP-PSE; Miguel Portas, MEP-GUE/NGL; Anna Hedh, MEP-PSE; Asa Westlund, MEP-PSE; Giusto Catania, GUE/NGL; Vincenzo Aita, MEP-GUE/NGL; Enrico Speroni, MEP-NI; Bernadette Bourzai, MEP-PSE; Chiesa Giulietto MEP-PSE; Sven Wollter,; Dr. Mehmoud Othman Member of National Assembly of Iraq; Bodil Ceballos, Member of Swedish parliament; Gunvor G Ericson, Member of Swedish parliament; Peter Radberg, Member of Swedish Parliament - Bodil Ceballos, Member of Swedish parliament; Gunvor G Ericson, Member of Swedish parliament; Peter Radberg, Member of Swedish Parliament - Feleknas Uca - MdEP - Germany.
The Copenhagen Criteria, the basis for Turkey’s EU accession process, sets as a
condition the free and unimpeded use of the Kurdish language. But the German Interior Minister is practising the opposite of what he preaches: Herr Schäuble is banning the only Kurdish TV broadcaster that operates all over the world and covers all aspects of culture and news. Millions of people watch this channel daily all over the world and set great store by it. It belongs to them – not to any party.
Roj TV is the voice of the people of Kurdistan, and is living proof of the existence
of the Kurdish language. People from all heritages are shown extensively in its broadcasts; Roj TV is against war, argues energetically for a just peace, and has
denounced human rights violations in Turkey as no other media have done; it has condemned racism and nationalism. Women get to speak on Roj TV, against honour
killings, genital mutilation and violence within families. The Turkish state has
tried to block this by signal disruption, dismantling of satellite antennae, and by
illegal persecution. Without succeeding! But they have succeeded now with the Interior Minister of the Federal Republic. Minister Schäuble has banned the station, had studios closed, confiscated all the equipment, and threatens with fines. At the same time Herr Schäuble is exerting considerable pressure on the Danish government to likewise bn and close down Roj TV in Denmark. Wolfgang Schäuble is abusing the democratic rights of Article 5 of the German Grundgesetz (Basic Law) to achieve foreign policy objectives, which only serve the interests of
European elites and not the people of Europe.
For Kurds not just in Diyarbakir but in Kapstadt, Los Angeles and the whole of the
rest of the world to be able to receive their own broadcasts evidently goes against
the “significant interests of the Federal Republic”. We are aghast at this injustice, which is directed not just against Kurdish people, but against Europe and against democracy in Germany. We demand the lifting of the ban. This campaign appeal is supported by Kurdish people all over the world. Please support it too and sign it! Name/Organisationemail SEND BACK TO:
TVThe Kurdish broadcaster Roj TV operates journalistically on the criteria of
objectivity and independence. All its programmes conform strictly to the
requirements of European law, giving room for encouragement of debate, freedom of
thought and criticism. This is a luxury that the Kurds were deprived of for decades.
Committed journalists and correspondents daily produce news programmes according to
the journalistic values of objectivity, in order to promote democracy, respect for
minorities and for cultural identity in Turkey and the Near East. We will be happy
to send you detailed information about journalism as practiced at Roj TV.
Die „Copenhagener Kriterien“, Grundlage für den Beitrittsprozeß der Türkei
nach Europa, machen dafür die freie und ungehinderte Benutzung der kurdischen
Sprache zur Bedingung.
Der deutsche Innenminister praktiziert das Gegenteil: Herr Schäuble verbietet den einzigen global tätigen und alle Bereiche der Kultur und des Nachrichtenwesens
umfassenden kurdischen Sender. Der weltweit täglich von Millionen Menschen empfangen und geschätzt wird.
Der ihnen gehört – keiner Partei!
ROJ TV („GUTEN TAG“) ist die Stimme der Menschen Kurdistans. Beweis für die Tatsache der lebendigen Existenz der kurdischen Sprache. In seinen Sendungen sind Menschen aller anderen Herkunft reichlich präsentiert. ROJ TV ist gegen jeden Krieg, plädiert energisch für einen gerechten Frieden und hat wie kein anderes Medium die Menschenrechtverletzungen in der Türkei angeprangert, hat Rassismus und Nationalismus verurteilt. In ROJ TV kommen die Frauen zu Wort: gegen Ehrenmorde, Genitalverstümmelung und Gewalt in Familien.
Der türkische Staat hat das zu verhindern versucht: mit Störsendern, Abbau von
SAT-Antennen, rechtswidriger Verfolgung.
Erfolglos ! – Erfolgreich aber jetzt beim Innenminister der BRD. Minister
Schäuble verbot die Arbeit des Senders, ließ Studios schließen, beschlagnahmte alles Gerät und droht widrigenfalls mit Strafen. Herr Schäuble übt zugleich erheblichen Druck auf die dänische Regierung aus, auch die dortigen Einrichtungen von ROJ TV zu vernichten. Wolfgang Schäuble instrumentalisiert die demokratischen Rechte des Grundgesetzes (Art. 5) für außenpolitische Zwecke, die nicht den Menschen, sondern einem Europa der Eliten gelten.
Das Kurdinnen & Kurden nicht nur in Diyarbakir, sondern auch in Kapstadt, Los Angeles und aller Welt ihren Sender empfangen können, das verstößt angeblich gegen „erheblichen Interessen der BRD“.
Wir sind bestürzt über diesen Unrechtsakt, der sich nicht nur gegen Kurden
richtet, sondern gegen Europa und auch gegen die Demokratie in Deutschland.
Wir fordern die Aufhebung der Verbotsverfügung.
Unterzeichnet und bestätigt wird dieser KAMPAGENAUFRUF durch die Unterschrift aller
Kurdinnen & Kurden dieser Welt.
Bitte unterschreiben Sie mit!
Antwort an:
Mesopotamische Entwicklungsgesellschaft - Deutschland - Tel. 06171 74135
Das kurdische Fernsehsender ROJ TV, gegründet in Kopenhagen, ist journalistisch
fundiert auf den Kriterien von OBJEKTIVITÄT UND UNABHÄNGIGKEIT
Alle Programme orientieren sich strikt an der europäischen Gesetzgebung und ihren Standards, um Raum für Debatte, Freiheit des Gedankens und Kritik zu fördern.
Ein Luxus, auf den die Kurden über Jahrhunderte verzichten mußten. Engagierte Journalisten und Korrespondenten bearbeiten die täglichen kurdischen und
internationalen Ereignisse entsprechend den journalistischen Werten der Objektivität, um Demokratie, Respekt für Minoritäten und kulturelle Identität in der Türkei und im Nahen Osten zu fördern.
Wir senden Ihnen gerne detaillierte Informationen über das journalistische ROJ TV
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