Friday, April 21, 2006
Support Kazim Popal
This brought him to Denmark.
Since he arrived, he has finished the manditory language school in almost no time, taken many evening classes with a wide range of subjects including psychology, and has an internship.
He even works for the Danish Red Cross.
April 5th he was arrested and sent to a fugitive camp. He was deported April 19th.
Denmark requires integration, but KAZIM has done everything by the book, and that still isn't enough.
We might help him come back!
Please send the link to as many people as you can, in order to sign the petition. Everyone counts!
Friday, April 14, 2006
Mecklenburg Vorpommern stoped deportations to Togo until 10th of Oktober
But this does not mean, there was time to relax. All other sttes continue their deportation practice. We have to continue the struggle for deportation stop in the whole country.
Please sign the petition to the German parliament to stop the deportations.
The petition is at:
read the English text of the petition:
Deutscher Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1
11011 Berlin
Tel: 030-22735257
Fax: 030-22736053
Concerning: Protection for Refugees from the Togolese Dictatorship and Nationwide Deportationstop to Togo
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The German Bundestag (German parliament) may decide that--according to the corresponding articles of the General Declaration of Human Rights, the International Convention for the Protection of Refugees, and the German Asylum Law-- refugees from Togo who fled from the dictatorship in their home country are granted protection in Germany and that deportations to Togo will not take place.
It is unacceptable and against human rights that German authorities, especially the BAMF (“Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtinge” //Federal Office for Migration and Refugees).and the “Auswärtiges Amt” (AA--Foreign Ministry) and the majority of the admiistrative courts that decide mainly on the basis of the report from the AA, refuse to give refugees from the Togolese dictatorship the garuanteed right of protection against persecution.
It is unaceptable that, on one hand, the situation in Togo is described correctly (though not clearly enough), to the effect that it is an autocratic regime with a very efficent and repressive security machinery that, brutally and by all means, oppresses every questioning of its total supremacy. On the other hand, the authorities in Germany see no reason for a dangerous situation for asylum seekers from Togo.
Human rights organisations and the UNHCR have made it unmistakably clear --and the the AA is informed about this position -- that the official and unofficial Security Forces of the RPT-Regime act unpredictably and arbitrarily against oppositionists or those suspected of belonging to them. Spies of the regime are everywhere. It is wrong to say that only highly committed and leading members of the opposition are persecuted. The counter-evidence is shown by several tens of housands of refugees in the neighboring countries. Especially, the not well known opponents of the dictatorship face the threats and the attacks of the militia and the RTP-members without protection
It is wrong and only serves the aim of deportation and refusing asylum, when the AA and the Bundesamt claim that refugees who are being deported from Germany do not face any danger when they arrive in Togo. Firstly, there are some concrete examples where it is the other way round; the recent ones are the case of Alassane Mousbaou and of the Togolese-refugee from Bavaria who was deported on the 10th of January and arrested and beaten right after he arrived. And secondly, the regime knows pretty well that attacks against the deported persons at the airport itself could cause trouble with the German authorities. But since it is necessary that family or friends always have to vouch for the deported one and have to give a concrete adress, the regime has time and patience to organise their repression without the knowledge of the public. That is why a lot of deported opponents of the regime flee again right after their arrival.
These facts have been confirmed indirectly by the AA in the “kleine Anfrage”(short inquiry) (BT-DRS. Nr: 16/571)which says::” According to our knowledge the Togolese authorities generally try to treat the returning people in a correct manner, so that neither the German authorities nor the Togolese exile organisations have a reason to criticize them”
So it is confirmed, as one knows anyhow, it is all just tactics.
It is wrong and only serves the aim of deportation and asylum refusal when the AA and the Bundesamt claim that exile political activities cause no persecution. The exile political activities are a thorn on the side of the regime, because the character of the Eyadema.RPT-powers will be exposed to the public and will damage the relations and negotiations with the European countries. Protests like the ones at the EXPO in Hannover, the rally at the Togo embassy in Paris during the Africa-France Summit 2003, the hunge rstrike of the “International Campaign Against the Dictatorship in Togo” in Berlin 2004 caused reactions from the side of the regime in Lomé. Repeatedly the refugees from the dictatorship were discribed as bandits. During the stay of the spokesperson of the “International Campaign” in West Africa in spring 2004, there was a search for him in Togo and Ghana. Alassane Mousbaou was confronted with the acivities and pictures of the “International Campaign”. His deportation, against all warnings, has lead to the fact that he is now living under precarious conditions, hidden in Ghana. His friend, who picked him up at the airport and vouched for him, is also being searched for by the regime and had to flee.
The Niedersachsen Refugee Council, referring to the recent report of the AA, said:” The report corresponds to the usual pattern that the AA usually uses: First, the general political conditions in the country are described (violations against human rights, no independent legal system, torture, police attacks etc.) in a quite realistic way. But then, as a second step, it is declared, that Togolese refugees in Germay are not affected by all this when they go home.”
This continuing policy of human rights violations against refugees from theTogolese dictatoraship has to come to an end and their rights have to be restored.
In this sense, the Petition Committee is asked to guarantee the protection of the affected ones and to help realize the long-demanded deportation stop to Togo.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
International Refugee Human Rights Tour - 29th of July till 5th of August 2006
Refugee camps are a means of oppression, economic exploitation and isolation. The AntiLagerTour calls to end this inhuman internment and to end a policy which discriminates, isolates and criminalizes refugees.
Further information:,
Abolish refugee camps!
Give up exclusion!
Stop isolation!
Refugees living in refugee camps are denied fundamental human rights. They have no privacy, they are excluded from the society they are living in, they are threatened by infectious diseases, psychologically worn down and subjected to repression, they are excluded from education, they are economically exploited and can’t even decide for themselves what they want to eat. So Elvisa B. asks angrily: “"What can I give my children to eat?" On Thursday, Elvisa arrived late to the food parcel distribution because she had been at the doctor with her youngest child. The next food parcels are due the next Thursday only, and only if she is lucky, they haven't been cancelled at all. When she was thirteen years old, she fled the war in Bosnia together with her parents. Today, the 26-year-old woman lives as a single mother in the largest refugee camp in Southern Bavaria, at Neuburg an der Donau. Since she is not allowed to work, she and her three little children have to live on the contents of the food parcels.
Why refugees are here
Elvisa B. and her children share the fate of thousands of refugees in Bavaria, who have left their countries because of war, political or religious persecution, poverty, hunger, racist or sexual discrimination, among them refugees that fled war in former Yugoslavia, men and women from Iran and Afghanistan, from Iraq or Congo, oppositional people who have fled from the European-Union-supported dictatorships in Ethiopia and Togo. Like the Afghani family A., who live in the refugee camp in Landshut. For their three daughters, who have grown up in Germany, it is unimaginable to return to Afghanistan, where they would have to comply with the harsh rules of feudal leaders. Or Ahmed D. (27), a stateless Kurd who fled oppression in Syria. He inhabits half a room in the Munich refugee camp of Emma-Ihrer-Strasse. It is not
suitable for handicapped people, but who cares for the needs of a person in a wheelchair but without passport?
Refugee camps shall enforce “the readiness to return”
These are three stories, but there are thousand more to be told. All these people are forced by law to live in refugee camps. Usually, these camps are barracks or containers, separated from the rest of the population by fence or isolated location outside residential areas. There, privacy doesn't exist, people have to share little space. Up to four people have to share a room of 15
sqm, showers and toilets are communal, as well as the kitchen if existent. The bosses of the camps and the police arbitrarily control people, times for visits are limited and people live in fear of being taken at 5 o’clock in the morning for deportation- all this is part of daily life in the lager. This permanent state of exception makes many inhabitants physically and psychologically ill. It is forbidden to rent an own flat, even if one could afford it. The forced stay in camps, is supposed to "encourage the willingness to return to the country of origin", as the Bavarian ministry of the interior puts it.
Systematic exclusion and isolation
Refugees are barred from work and therefore condemned to be idle. Only after one year, they have the theoretical chance to obtain a work permit, but with "subordinate access" to the labour market only. So, refugees have to find and employer who gives them a written confirmation that he/she wants to employ them. With this confirmation, they have to apply for a working permission. But usually, these jobs, which had been confirmed for refugees, are given to other people looking for work by the work agency. The gratitude for this creative way of announcing free jobs is frustrating- the refugees get nothing. In this way, refugees and other jobless people are played against each other. Those who manage, in spite of all difficulties, to get a working permission, cannot feel safe. At the moment, many people who had got a working permission in the past are withdrawn again this working permission. Anyhow, they have no claim to get unemployment benefit, although they have paid unemployment insurance for years. Thus banned from securing their own subsistence, refugees are treated as second class citizens: Twice a week, the company "Drei Koenig" from Schwaebisch Gmuend (Baden-Wuertemberg) delivers food parcels which at times contain foul food, or food past their best-before date. This inadequate supply of non-cash benefits, accomplished by second-hand clothes and toilet paper, deprives human beings from any form of self-determination. In cash, refugees in Bavaria have 40 Euros a month (20 for children), which are spent for additional foodstuff, bus fare, medication of toys for children. In many cases, even theses benefits are reduced or even cancelled as a means of sanctioning. Because of "Residenzpflicht", refugees are not allowed to leave the constituency they live in. An infraction against this law is often avenged with fines or imprisonment. In this way, refugees are criminalized for visiting their relatives and friends and for engaging themselves politically and socially. Furthermore, due to this criminalisation, refugees are later refused the right to stay with reference to their previous convictions.
The inability to integrate into the world society
This exclusion, isolation and criminalisation is characteristic for refugee policies not only in Bavaria, but also in Germany, Europe and all over the world. The European-Union-states try to make Europe an asylum-free zone- with deadly consequences: People drown in the Mediterranean, are shot at the fences of Ceuta and Mellilla, or they are set out in the desert of Libya and Morocco. With foreigners' laws, borders, camps, prisons and deportations, European Union states try to control who stays and is allowed to stay in their sovereign territory. But this means more than only sticking to the antiquated nationalist ideas of the 19th and 20th century. In that way, they insure their dominance in a worldwide capitalist system – a system which denies the access to vital economic, natural and social resources for the majority of all human beings and which simply devastates large parts of the world for economic profit. While they concede more and more freedom of movement to capital and goods in the globalised
economy of today, they restrict the freedom of movement of six billion "members of the human family" (general declaration of the human rights) by more and more rigid means. This refugee policy ignores a reality in which there have always been and will always be human beings who will try to escape a situation threatening their very existence and to find a better living perspective for themselves and their families, despite all legal attempts to thwart this.
States that chose to ignore this reality prove their very incapability to integrate into a global society. By clinging to their nation state ideology, they accept to agonise people, to deprive them of their rights and to violate their human dignity.
Human Rights can’t be achieved by begging for them- they are claimed by fighting for them!
Worldwide, refugees protest against being excluded, isolated and criminalised by law. This discrimination because of their country of origin is a violation of the human rights. During the last few years, the struggle against such policy has also taken place in Bayern in the form of public protest, boycott of food packages or many, often publicly invisible, acts of daily resistance against bosses of camps, authorities and police harassments. We feel linked to this struggle. We, refugees and supporters, jointly demand to respect the human dignity of refugees and to guarantee their rights and needs. We ask you to demand, together with us, the abolition of all refugee camps and an immediate end to the practices of “legalised” exclusion, isolation and
criminalisation of refugees.
We demand:
- Abolish refugee camps – free choice of residence!
- An end to exclusion and isolation!
-The right to stay for everyone!
- No food packages, but money, so that everyone can buy the food that she/he desires!
- Abolish Residential Restriction Law (“Landkreis-Residenzpflichtgesetz”)!
- Stop criminalisation of refugees and racist controls!
- Equal right to work!
- Fight racism- equal rights for everybody!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Stop Germany's collaboration with African dictatorships
Visit the site of the International Campaign against the Dictatorship in Togo and other African Countries
and sign the petition to the German parliament to stop deportations to Togo.
"Oury-Jalloh 7.1.2005"

Bundesweite Demo am 1. April 2006 in Dessau für
A U F K L Ä R U N G , G E R E C H T I G K E I T , E N T S C H Ä D I G U N G
Aufruf zum Download // francais // english // farsi // español // türkçe
fotos von der Demo: "Oury-Jalloh 7.1.2005"
Redebeiträge von Plataforma und ARI gehalten auf der Demo in Dessau
Die neuesten Entwicklungen aus Dessau: Die Vertuschung geht weiter Pressemitteilung vom 31.3.06
Erklärung der Nebenklage im Fall Oury Jalloh vom 31.3.06
Pressemitteilung des Dessauer Bündnisses gegen Rechtsextremismus
Kann sich ein Mensch selbst verbrennen, wenn er an Händen und Füßen fixiert worden ist?
Wie ist es möglich, dass ein Mensch ausgerechnet in einer Gefängniszelle im sogenannten „Sicherheitsgewahrsam“ verbrennt und die Todesumstände über ein Jahr lang ungeklärt bleiben?
Wieso stellten die diensthabenden Polizisten die akustische Verbindung leise?
Warum hatte Jalloh ein Feuerzeug, wenn – so die Polizeibeamten - vor dem Arrest die rechtlich vorgeschriebene Durchsuchung durchgeführt worden waren? Warum tauchte das Feuerzeug in der Asservatenliste erst später auf?
Ist es überhaupt möglich, die Todesschreie eines Menschen, der Minuten lang in den Flammen verbrennt NICHT zu hören und den Rauch NICHT zu bemerken? Ausgerechnet in einem Polizeirevier, wo absolute Kontrolle die Norm stellt?
Oury Jalloh, ein 21-Jähriger Flüchtling aus Sierra Leone, starb am 7. Januar 2005 in Polizeigewahrsam, mit Handschellen an Händen und Füßen auf das Zellenbett gefesselt. Todesursache: Hitzeschock. Die offizielle Version: Das Opfer habe die Matratze mit einem Feuerzeug angezündet, Feuer gefangen und sei verbrannt. Also Selbstmord? Diese Version warf vor einem Jahr schon schwerwiegende Zweifel auf, die bis jetzt nicht entkräftet worden sind, sondern sich erhärtet und ausgeweitet haben.
Das Feuer brach, den Ermittlungen zufolge, gegen Mittag in der Zelle aus. Der Rauchmelder in der Zelle schlug zweimal Alarm. Geräusche und Hilferufe, von einer Gegensprechanlage übertragen, wurden von den diensthabenden Beamten registriert, aber ignoriert.
Angeblich hatte der Dienstgruppenleiter die Anlage kurz vor zwölf Uhr leise gestellt, weil er ein Telefongespräch nicht verstehen konnte. Erst als auch der Lüftungsschalter Alarm schlug, ging er in den Keller. Zu spät. Oury Jalloh lag auf einer brennenden Matratze, sein Körper quasi verkohlt. Reste eines Feuerzeugs wurden erst bei späteren
„Ermittlungen“ in der Zelle gefunden.
13 Monaten nach dem Tod Oury Jallohs gibt es immer noch keine Klarheit über die Umstände und die Verantwortungen. Trotz massiver, mittlerweile der Öffentlichkeit bekannter Unregelmässigkeiten und Widersprüche wird kein Gerichtsprozess angestrengt. Die verantwortlichen Polizeibeamten und der Arzt, der den Todesschein ausstellte, sind immer noch im Dienst. Die Dessauer Staatsanwaltschaft hat zwar Anklage wegen Körperverletzung mit Todesfolge und wegen fahrlässiger Tötung gegen zwei Polizisten erhoben. Mit immer neue Einwände wird aber versucht, die Verfahren einzustellen - bis ins Absurdum. Jetzt heisst es, die Anklage der Rechtsanwälte der Familie Jalloh sei nicht gültig, denn es beständen nicht genügend Beweise, dass es sich tatsächlich um die Familie Jalloh
handele. Die Zeit vergeht. Bestimmte Verbrechen vergisst man.
Die Geschehnisse in Dessau sind nur der Gipfel des Eisbergs. Die Realität von Flüchtlingen und MigrantInnen in ganz Europa wird von Tag zu Tag dramatischer. Zunehmende Verfolgung und Kriminalisierung kennzeichnen den Alltag von nicht-Europäern in Form von immer mehr Gewalt, Kontrollen, Abschiebungen. Damit werden Hass und Ausgrenzung noch tiefer in der Gesellschaft verankert. Allein zwischen 1990 und
2004 starben in Deutschland elf MigrantInnen im Zuge polizeilicher Maßnahmen, zwölf wurden durch rassistische Angriffe auf der Straße umgebracht.
Es ist wohl üblich, über den Rassismus zu sprechen, der von Nazis auf die Straße getragen wird. Über den Rassismus innerhalb der Institutionen wird hingegen wie gewöhnlich geschwiegen.
Aus dem Protokoll der Gespräche zwischen dem diensthabenden Polizeibeamten und dem zuständigen Arzt im Fall Jalloh:
Polizist: "Pikste mal 'nen Schwarzafrikaner?"
Arzt: "Ach du Scheiße. Da finde ich immer keine Vene bei den Dunkelhäutigen."
Polizist: "Na, bring doch 'ne Spezialkanüle mit!"
Ein zweites Protokoll hält den Dialog zweier Polizeibeamter unmittelbar nach dem Tod fest.
"Hat er sich aufgehangen, oder was?"
"Nee, da brennt's."
"Weiß ich nicht. Die sind da runtergekommen, da war alles schwarzer Qualm."
"Ja, ich hätte fast gesagt gut. Alles klar, schönes Wochenende, ciao, ciao."
Nun wird auch Mouctar Bah, der Mensch, der im Mordfall Oury Jalloh am Entschiedensten für Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit gekämpft hat, kriminalisiert und verfolgt. Am 7. Februar schlossen die Behörden sein Telecafe - im „öffentlichen Interesse“, so hieß es, da er angeblich Drogendealer in seinem Laden tolerierte. Das Cafe war Bahs finanzielle
Grundlage und ein zentraler Treffpunkt für die Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh.
Obwohl die Presse an verschiedenen Stellen Aufmerksamkeit auf die rassistische Hintergründe des Todes erregt hat (z. B. Spiegel, ARD) und einige Initiativen eine Rückhaltlose Aufklärung der Widersprüche forderten, bleibt die Neigung zum Verschweigen und Vergessen in dieser Gesellschaft bis heute stärker.
Es bedarf JETZT einen entschiedenen öffentlichen Druck, damit der Prozess tatsächlich eröffnet wird.
Nicht über alles wächst Gras...
Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh,
unterstützt von
Antirassistische Intitiative ARI
KARAWANE für die Rechte von Flüchtlingen und MigrantInnen
Die Macht
Gefahr! Gefahr! Schreien die Gefährlichen.
(Eduardo Galeano)